Sunday 29 April 2012


The right way to invest money is to invest in such an asset that it will help you in future when you need it. The best of the options are investing in gold and investing in property which gives you a sure return without loss. While you also have an option to invest in transport but it needs your time and and your presence other you will be in a great loss. If you want to play safe then the better options are mentioned above b'cause in india the value of property in next 50 years wont go down and the value of gold will never go down you can easily take gold loan or so with your asset at the time you need it.
Try to avoid stocking your money in your house as a safe account cause money won't multiply being at one place you need to invest it in some place to invest. If you are educated enough that you understand the indian stock market than you sould invest some part of your income in indian stock market. But do remember it is nothing but gambling at your ownm risk you can be rich in few ours and inversly you can be poor in few minutes so try not to invest whole lot of money in stock market until and unless you understand the key knowledge to make profit out of it.

Think where you see yourself after 3 years and than plan your life it doesn't matter what you earn actually try to work more so that you can be paid for your extra time. And if your company doesn
't provide you with extra time than do some part time job and invest in till you are sure that you will earn profit out of what you invest. Play it safe until you have sufficient money in your hand to survive in this competitive world.

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